About Av-og-til

Av-og-til is a non-profit organization working to reduce alcohol harm, focusing on situations where alcohol can be particularly risky or harmful for others. The situations are as follows: traffic, boating and swimming, sports and outdoor life, pregnancy, in the company of children and youth, in work-related situations and during times of a personal crisis.

Av-og-til is supported by political parties and unions as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations; 44 in total. Our members may not agree on everything, but they all support our efforts to reduce the harmful effects of alcohol in our society, and in raising alcohol awareness in the general public. Many of them also take part in our campaigns.

Day to day activities are coordinated by a secretariate in Oslo, and the general secretary is Ragnhild Kaski. Av-og-til also work together with 65 municipalities in Norway, in addition to several organizations who contribute noticeably in the campaigns. Activities are financed by state public financing and members’ fees. Our goal is the reduction of alcohol consumption in society as a whole.

For more information about Av-og-til in English, please contact us at avogtil@avogtil.no or message us on Facebook Av-og-til.

Below is more information about Av-og-til in Norwegian.

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